

learn and fun


July 2014

[Jailbreak]: Install themes, tweaks, fonts and much more without Cydia!

As I had said last time, a Jailbroken iPhone could connect remotely to the computer. Besides exploring the iDevice tree remotely, it is even possible to install your themes, tweaks, ringtones, official applications (I will address it in a future articles) and much more without going through Cydia or Cyder (Download from here)

To do this, you must have:
– A Jailbroken iDevice.
– An SSH client or an iOS file explorer (Eg: iFunbox, iPhoneBrowser).
iFile(Download from here)
– Your theme or tweak downloaded via the internet.
– WI-FI connection.
iTunes or iTunesMobileDevice.dll library installed (Windows).
Winterboard theme manager(Download from here)

Now it’s up to you to choose the connection mode: SSH or USB

I advise inexperienced users to use the USB connection to avoid any bugs. Then plug your iDevice into your computer.


                                 ExampleInstalling Theme

You can connect by any mode: SSH / USB. To facilitate the task, connect via USB.
– Opens iFunbox(Download from here)
– Click on “Raw Files System” with vigilance, because you will move in the tree of sensitive files.
– Move to this path: /var/stash/Themes.xxxxxx, the ‘x’ represent a random string.
– Create a directory for your theme then name it. Eg: “My Pretty Theme”
– Now move the previously downloaded themes files to this directory.
– On the iFunbox, click on your connected iDevice and then select “Unplug the device
– Disconnect your device and restart it to confirm the changes.
– Launch Winterboard from your iDevice then select your theme.


This is valid for manually adding anything to your phone. You just have to know the right path.
                              Examples of essential paths
Path for adding new stuffs :  
Themes: /var/stash/Themes.xxxxxx
SMS Ringtones : /System/Library/audio/UISounds/ Replace this file “sms-received1.caf”
Keyboard sound : /System/Library/Audio/UISounds/ 
Fonts :/System/Library/Fonts/Cache/ Replace this file “LockClock.ttf “
Bootlogos(bootlogos) : /Library/Bootlogos  for iOS 4+
Paths for recovering files:
Cycorder videos: /var/Mobile/Media/Vidéos (For old generation iDevices).
Safari Downloads : /var/mobile/library/Downloads 
iBluetooth recieved files : /var/mobile/Documents 

Camera photos : /var/mobile/Media/DCIM 
Music files : /var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music
Cache of 3rd party applications : /var/mobile/Library/Caches 
Cookies : /var/mobile/Library/Cookies.You can delete this file “Cookies.binarycookies”.
Logs : /var/mobile/Library/Logs. Choose the log directory you want to view
Notes : /var/mobile/Library/Notes. Read your notes from the file notes.sqlite using an SQLite Browser.
SMS : /var/mobile/Library/SMS. read your SMS messages from the file sms.db using an SQLite Browser.
Safari : /var/mobile/Library/Safari. Here you’ll find history, searches , bookmarks…
Contacts: /var/mobile/Library/AddressBook. View your contacts from the file AddressBook.sqlitedb using an SQLite Browser
Documents : /var/mobile/Documents 
Appstore applications : /var/mobile/Applications 
3rd party applications : /Applications —-> /var/stash/Applications.xxxxxx (x is a random string).
Zeppelin : /Library/Zeppelin
iBooks : /var/mobile/Media/Books
Recordings : /var/mobile/Media/Recordings 

Path for configurations: (for experienced users only)

Root directory: /var/root
DNS resolution file : /etc/hosts
Configuration directory: /etc
Cydia sources : /etc/apt/sources.lists.d . Edit this file cydia.list
Standard binary commands : /bin
System binary commands : /sbin
User or 3rd party applications commands : /usr/bin
C header files : /usr/include
System Daemons : /usr/libexec
System preferences : /System/Library
Tweaks : /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries. These are *.dylib files
Bundles : /Library/PreferenceBundles

Note: you can do all this with apps only explorer files within your iPhone. They are available on Cydia. Eg: iFile. It’s a simple method, just download the themes, ringtones .. via Safari or other browser available on your iPhone, then run iFile to move them to the right directory. Enjoy!
To be continued…
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[Chopin] – Waltz in a Minor


                               A lovely music.. perfect..

[Jailbreak] : SSH and USB connection

In the previous articles I discussed the method of Jailbreak and its benefits. This article will be dedicated to the exploration of the file tree under iPhone from your computer whatever its platform: Windows, Mac or Linux

I said that the jailbreak not only allows to install super stuff (themes, applications, ringtones, tweaks …) but also to establish the connection with other machines. That is, connect your iDevice via a USB cable or SSH in order to explore its directory tree, install new themes, ringtones, edit system files and why not install new official applications. Warning, I said “official”. (I will explain this in another article)

                        What are the requirements for this connection?
– A jailbroken iDevice.
afc2d Installed (below explanation)
OpenSSH installed(Download from here)
Putty SSH Client(Download from here)
iFunbox file explorer(Download from here)
– WI-FI connection.
MobileDevice Library: iTunesMobileDevice.dll (Download from here)
                         Which mode to choose: SSH or USB?

It’s up to you to choose what suits you. Experienced users can connect in SSH.
SSH, or Secure Shell, is a protocol for remote access to one machine to another. It uses port 22. Thanks to the SSL mechanism, the data sent by the users are encrypted: it ensures the integrity of the data, an essential principle of computer security.
To connect your device to the computer via SSH, you must first change the Root password. But what is it?
On UNIX, there are two ways to access the device:
Normal user: restricted access to system functionalities, memory addresses. It only has access to basic functionalities (music, photos, telephony, internet, installation of applications …)
Root: or privileged mode, according to which the ROOT user has access to all functionalities and commands of the system (terminal, SSH, modification of the system files …) without restrictions. It is activated during the installation of the Debian packages (*.deb) from Cydia (I will explain this in another article), and manually by launching the Terminal (if installed) then typing the classic UNIX command: Su (Super User initials)

For each iDevice, the Root default password is “alpine“. To avoid any intrusion by worm, it is advisable to modify it just after the Jailbreak of the device. Follow this procedure:
– Start the Terminal (Download from here)
– Enter the privileged mode. To do this, type su.
– You will be prompted to enter the Root password. Enter “alpine“, this is the default password.
– Type the password change command: passwd.
– Enter your new password.
– There you go! You changed the root password by default.

You are on the good road. Now you need to install afc2, or Apple File Conduit 2, which allows you to crawl the system files in the tree. Note that it installs automatically after the Jailbreak of the device. To better secure your SSH connection, install OpenSSH (Download from here).

Now go to your computer then launch your SSH client. In this example we will use WinSCP under the Windows platform. You will see this window:
 So this is where you need to specify the ip address of your iPhone and the port number used. To have the ip address of the latter, go to: [Settings -> Wi-Fi -> “Wifi to which you are connected” -> ip address]. Activate OpenSSH then click on the “Open” button of Putty. You will need to enter the Root password before browsing the directory tree.

Note that you will connect in console mode, or terminal mode. Be careful about the typed commands.

Another simpler mode of connection exists: USB. You can connect your iDevice to your computer just by installing a software that will allow it on computer. In this tutorial, we will use iFunBox on windows. (Note that your iDevice must be Jailbroken)
Do not forget to install iTunes to launch the program. You can download the iTunesMobileDevice.dll library, indispensable for the use of the iDevices functions in iFunBox (I will explain this in the next articles, do not worry ^^)
The software window should look something like this:


The last time I talked about the emulators of the old games consoles of our childhood, and I had even specified that the download of the game files is done manually by the user. Follow these steps to download them:
– Search on google the name of the emulator followed by the word “roms“. (Eg: NES roms)
– Google will display a lot of download sites, choose the one that suits you.
– After downloading the file, or ROM, open iFunBox or iPhoneBrowser
– Move vigilantly to the path: / var / mobile / Media / ROMs / (Name of the emulator)
– Then place your game on it.
– Start your game on the emulator. Enjoy!
To be continued… 

[Jailbreak] : Recovery Mode vs DFU Mode

                                                       DFU Mode, what’s this?

I’ll explain everything in this post, just need a little attention, okay? 🙂

Most users having Jailbroken their iDevice have surely seen the label “DFU Mode” written somewhere in the tool used, but do not really know what it is. They begin to ask themselves questions. This is normal ^^

Then, the DFU Mode, or Device Firmware Upgrade mode, allows the restoration of an iDevice whatever its state, usually by installing a Custom Firmware. In this mode, your device only displays a black page. Below are the steps to access this mode:
– Connect your device to the computer.
– Switch it off.
– Hold the POWER button for 3 seconds
– Then simultaneously hold both POWER + HOME buttons for 10 seconds
– Release the POWER button while holding the HOME button
– Wait 15 seconds until iTunes detects your device in DFU mode

Note: You can start DFU mode with the TinyUmbrella tool by clicking “Enter Recovery” like this:


Make sure that the screen is white without showing Apple logo

For professional users, another automatic method exists. To do this, it is necessary to delve into the *.ipsw update file, ie to unarchive it to explore the necessary files. This operation is irreversible! It works only on 3G iDevices. Here’s what to do:
– Make a copy of your *.ipsw file
– Open your file and go to: /firmware/all_Flash/all_flash.xxxxx.production/
(The x represents the version of your device Eg: iPhone 3GS —> n88ap)
– Extract the binary file llb. *****. Release.img3 then open it with a Hexadecimal editor
(The * represents the version of your iDevice)
– Modify some random bits
– Save your modified file to the archive *.ipsw
– Your device will start in DFU mode where a restore is required x)

For the sake of clarity, DFU mode allows you to override the bootloader step, or the Bootloader, responsible for loading the installed operating system to install a firmware of your choice without restrictions. 

There are two ways to exit this mode:
– Launch TinyUmbrella then select “Exit Recovery
– Hold both HOME + POWER buttons simultaneously until the famous white apple appears —> Apple Logo ^^


And the Recovery Mode?
Recovery mode, as its name suggests, is the mode that characterizes your device when you install your update via iTunes. An iTunes icon with a cable appears on your screen. To access it, follow the steps below:
– Connect your device to the computer and launch iTunes
– Press both POWER + HOME buttons simultaneously
– Keep both buttons pressed until your device starts
– Release both buttons. And hop, your phone is in Recovery Mode where a restoration is needed.
Warning: Any clumsy manipulation could damage your device forever, be careful.

To be continued…


[Jailbreak] : Some advantages

Obviously the Jailbreak is used to add third-party functionality allowing the user to exploit his device to the maximum, ie to exceed the restrictions that Apple applies to it.
This is in fact “owning” the operating system, ie modify as many parameters as desired, including the modification or addition of the system files.
By way of example, a non-jailbroken telephone does not allow the modification of the graphical interface; Nor the addition of new themes.Thanks to Cydia, the addition and modification of your device is possible. It has a lot of applications and Tweaks remarkable and very interesting.


iFile, a 3rd-party software that allows to search as much as possible in system files and personal files (photos, applications, ringtones …). It also allows us to add, delete, view, move and even create files (.txt, .html, .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp, .asm, .xml, .plist …). This advantage is designed for experienced Linux users because any clumsy manipulation would cause remarkable damage and cause the device to be restored.

Winterboard, created by saurik, allows a normal user to customize the graphic interface of the device (Wallpaper, icons, lock screen, fonts, layout and scrolling of icons and pages …). By installing it you will make your device more beautiful and more representable. To know that the modification of the graphical interface is not officially authorized by Apple, thanks to the jailbreak engineers!

NES Emulator, it is in fact only the famous emulator of the famous console of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). I am sure that this thing will please the nostalgic to be able to find their old games from their childhood. To enjoy it just download the files *.nes of games (I will show you in another article how to do it) and launch them after. To your controllers;)

Zeppelin, I’m sure it will please design lovers. Thanks to the latter you can completely change the label of the name of your Carrier (telephone operator) by replacing it with a logo of your choice. It’s better, isn’t it?

Terminal, or manage your iPhone in console mode. Then the Linux users will understand me;)
Knowing that the Kernel is only based on UNIX, it will be obvious to test all commands (ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir …), create, delete and modify directories, modify, create or delete files and even Completely change the system files. But be careful, this application is reserved for experienced users, any awkward manipulation of files or settings can damage your device.
Note: this is iFile in console mode;)The applications mentioned are only examples among thousands on Cydia.

To be continued…


[Jailbreak] : Custom Firmware

Custom Firmware, sn0wbreeze, SHSH, Exception #3194 … But wait please, what’s all this?

The older generations of iDevices (iPhone 2G, iPod touch 1G) do not require SHSH signatures to install on an earlier update. Now, the new generations of iDevices require these files for the same cause.

Installing a previous update directly would exaggerate the famous 3194 exception code under iTunes. It is necessary to build a Custom Firmware using the SHSH signatures of the desired update. We need the following utilities:
TinyUmbrella tool to save your SHSH(Download from here)
sn0wbreeze(Download from here)
– iTunes Update file: *.ipsw
redsn0w  Jailbreak tool(Download from here)


You have to run TinyUmbrella to retrieve the SHSH that will be used to build Custom Firmware. Make sure that the device’s personal data is backed up via iTunes. Then run the sn0wbreeze tool. This tool, developed by iH8sn0w, has as its main function the creation of a Custom Firmware based on *.shsh files. If you chose the correct model and iOS for your device, click Build IPSW. The creation of the custom firmware take a little bit of time: just wait.

After finishing, you will have the C.F at your hands. Launch iTunes. Click Update followed by the SHIFT button, and there you need to select the C.F created by sn0wbreeze. > Once the load is finished, close iTunes and launch the classic jailbreak with redsn0w.


A suivre…

[CPU] Just meditate…

 The motherboard is only the small, Temple of Horus or EDFU …


[Jailbreak] : Cydia, 3rd party manager

After jailbreaking your device, a new third-party application installs itself on it automatically using the Jailbreak tool used: Cydia

This is in fact only the famous application Cydia, developed by saurik. It allows you to install a number of apps, tweaks, themes, libraries or ringtones not signed by Apple. The latter are not available at the official store, Appstore.

Cydia relies on the philosophy of the UNIX system, specifically LINUX in the installation and research of these applications, tweaks .. said packages. The latter are located in a server called Repository, which allows the indexing of these based on their categories (Addons, Games, Libraries ..)

This example explains how this works:

John DOE, having an iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1.1 and jailbroken via redsn0w, wants to install the famous iPhone system file browsing application: iFile (third party). It must launch Cydia, then search for the name of the latter in the “Search” field. The application is not available among the results of the latter, ie Repositories installed under Cydia do not host this application: add a new URL (website address) of the good Repository to add New applications to the list of others. Then, John DOE adds the right repository, then looks for the right application and installs it in the end.

Note:It should be noted that some sources may be defective and dangerous, it may contain scripts that are malicious and dangerous for your device.

To be continued…


[Jailbreak] : n88ap and the Baseband (4)


The last article about the Jailbreak explained the importance of *.shsh files for the installation of a firmware of your choice. We will see in this article a complication related to the update of the iPhone 3GS. There’s work on it! ‘\ (> _ <) /

So there as we saw in the first articles, the main interest of the Jailbreak was the portability of unofficial operators, see the availability of the operation of telephony and reception of SMS messages. This leads us to the following question: Who is responsible for managing the telephony operations under these devices?

Baseband is a hardware component that meets all the features that require the antenna under iPhone and iPad devices. This component, like the others, has a volatile memory RAM and another NOR where its OS is installed. The WI-FI and Bluetooth are managed by the CPU microprocessor, and their MAC addresses are stored in the NVRAM memory of the Baseband. Each device has a Baseband for its version. For example, the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS (named also n88ap) and iPad have the version X-GOLD 608. You can check the version of your Baseband here: Settings> General> Information> Prog. The modem: XX.XX.XX

An iPhone 3GS device with a Baseband with version> 05.13.04 will be hard to unlock. The user is forced to install another version of Baseband which is 06.15.00, called “iPad Baseband”, which will allow it to restart the telephony and the Bluetooth and WI-FI network, thanks to the tool redsn0w. Do not forget that this operation is reserved for experienced users because of its sensitivity. Any clumsy manipulation would cause a major malfunction of the device.


It should also be remembered that this manipulation also has remarkable consequences on the device, a double-edged sword:

-If your iPhone is equipped with a firmware with the baseband 06.15.00, it will be impossible to restore your iPhone with official Apple firmwares. (The process will fail, “iTunes error”)
– If a new baseband is published by Apple (containing for example patches), you will be unable to install it if its version remains in 05.XX.XX
– Your warranty can be deleted because it is impossible to hide the version of your baseband from Apple.
GPS signal (in the TOMTOM browser but for some steps in Google Maps) since the installation of this baseband on your iPhone because the iPad does not have the same GPS chip as the iPhone 3G / 3GS.
-Excess consumption of your battery.
-Signal of GSM network signal (“network unavailable”).


To be continued… 🙂

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